Welcome at IFM Instant Food Marketing AG

In a society of increasing dietary awareness interest in new and qualitatively premium food articles is increasing constantly. Almost all staple foods are available as dried product on the market nowadays. The drying process conserves perishable products, reduces mass and provides the consumer with easier storage and convenient application. According to studies the global value of dried fruit in 2020 by 7.4 billion USD while there is an estimated value of approx. 9.9 billion by year 2027 (https://www.statista.com/study/64900/dried-fruit-market/). That is an estimated increase of about 34%.

For more than 10 years, the company founder has been observing the constantly growing market and the development of applied production techniques for so-called: “PEX” (Product EXpanding) products. We have now succeeded in winning the inventor of several patented MVD processes (Microwave-Vaccum-Drying) for an exclusive cooperation and collaboration whose patented processes (MIVAP / PEX process) have been successfully used in production for years. The new technology and the brands are used under an exclusive license.
It led to the foundation of IFM Instant Food Marketing AG (LI). The company was founded in 2015.

IFM holds the exclusive license for the patented "PEX" (Product EXpansion) technology (batch process) and the now further developed conti process for the production of fruit and vegetable snacks in "cracker quality”.
IFM has also acquired for exclusive use the know-how of the globally unique "INVAP" (INert-VAcuum-Puffing) process, which has been developed in recent years especially for processing highly sticky fruits with a tendency to oxidation - such as bananas.
This means that a wide range of fruits and vegetables can be made available to the market in attractive, cross and crunchy varieties, as well as aromatic snacks or additives to cereals, dry soups, etc.
Advantages of PEX and INVAP technology:
- Dried fruits and vegetables be produced without any preservatives or food additives
- Maintain and increases their typical flavor and taste due to concentration
- Taste crispier, crunchier and more delicious than ever before
Special features:
- Market or end customers are ready; products according to the PEX procedure can be successfully purchased in the retail trade as B2B and B2C.
- First-class product cross and crunchy, with strong natural aroma, at INVAP also in natural colour for strongly sticky and oxidising fruits such as banana.
- Despite low residual moisture content below 2%, no product burns and wet nests in the process thanks to the intelligent combination of microwave and infrared drying in a vacuum.
- Extremely low energy/production costs compared to pure microwave- or freeze-drying processes.
- With PEX3210 technology fully automatic, continuous ("fifo" = first in - first out) operation mode leads to very low personnel deployment (costs).
What we offer:
- 3 different sizes of production units with approx. 30 t/a, 40 t/a and 140 t/a production capacity for a perfect fit to the customer’s needs, combined with a simple license.
- One PEX-Lab-machine for R&D purposes and small-scale production. Output/Batch: approx. 1,2 kg.
- Consulting around the PEX TVP-process like cutting, packaging and quality management.
- Units will be produced in Germany and Switzerland according to foodgrade quality standards
All options will be tailored to your needs and your business objectives.
IFM Refinement Berries Fruit Vegetable TVP crunchy vacuum health snack banana pineapple physalis papaya mango apple melon strawberry tangerine freeze-dried Soft-Snack Cavendish Gros Michel Big mike Pex INVAP Technology Trockenfrüchte Gefriertrocknung gefriergetrocknet Dörrobst Naturprodukt Trocknen Hersteller Manufacturer Plant Banane Ananas Conservation Bandtrockner Naturprodukt MIVAP Tunneltrockner belt dryer Nutrition peaches pear Tomato Beet onion Food Innovation Food Technology Food Processing Food Technology dried food vacuum-microwave